
The sims 4 jungle adventure
The sims 4 jungle adventure

the sims 4 jungle adventure

I have a somewhat low opinion of EA, and was fully willing to admit that they had hit this one out of the park with love and attention to detail, until I figured out that one temple was all I got. I was sure there were just some difficult ways to get to those amazing sights that I wasn't figuring out. I couldn't believe there could be only one temple, so I looked up guides. I had only explored one temple, and it seemed all the amazing sights and crumbled, ancient buildings in the distance were just decoration and not an actual destination. The detailed world promised so much that it was probably one of the biggest let downs I have ever experienced in gaming when I discovered how little effort was put into gameplay. But it's hard to imagine how fast gorgeous graphics can become irrelevant when the gameplay feels like a slap in the face. If I were to see a screenshot of the background detail, I wouldn't have believed something so beautiful was a Sims game. The places I was seeing on the horizon made me excited to continue, and I was in awe of the surroundings. Helping my sim fight his way through the jungle was much more immersive than I had expected.

the sims 4 jungle adventure

When I first entered into the Adventure world, I was honestly amazed. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view.

The sims 4 jungle adventure